
Take a look at some of the main stories from the week and an insight into The Ferret's work.
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Hi ,

Politics is in the grip of election fever! Or maybe more accurately 'when will the election be?' fever?

Rumours of a May vote seem to have been unfounded, and the smart money is now on us going to the polls in November.

As you'd expect, The Ferret is ahead of the game making plans for our election coverage, and we've already had some impact.

Reform UK has suspended two of its election candidates after we discovered they were sharing posts by far right figures and hateful comments about trans people on social media.

Another example of how good journalism changes things. Stay tuned for more coverage of the UK general election, whenever it might be.
Story of the week
An in-depth look at a Ferret investigation
Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party has suspended two Scottish general election candidates after a Ferret investigation found posts by prominent far right figures and hateful comments about trans people were shared on their social media accounts.

Reform candidates standing in Scottish constituencies in the next UK general election include Stephen McNamara who is described as a “proud tax avoider” in his Twitter bio. McNamara said trans people have a “severe mental illness” and that their “days are numbered”.

An account belonging to David McNabb, a fellow candidate, shared a video from far right commentator Katie Hopkins, and another post which said first minister Humza Yousaf should not be able to hold a rugby trophy because he is “more Pakistani than Scottish.

What did we dig up this week?
A round up of our investigations in the last seven days
Revealed: The revolving door between fossil fuel industry and the UK Government
Over 100 people from the oil and gas sector have taken up senior government roles under the Conservatives.
Salmon industry’s ‘outrageous’ lobbying exposed
The multinational salmon farming industry privately lobbied the Scottish Government at least 20 times in the last year.
Claim Cadbury removed Easter from chocolate eggs advert is False
There was controversy after images emerged of Easter eggs branded ‘gesture eggs’, sparking claims from accounts on X.
Wildlife objection to salmon farm spiked after industry lobbying
The Scottish Government’s wildlife agency withdrew an objection to proposed new salmon cages near the island of Barra after intensive lobbying by the industry.
For Fact's Sake
Our misinformation and fact-checking podcast

How could ‘fake news’ impact elections in India?

It’s the final episode of our three-part For Fact’s Sake series on elections.

This week, we are looking at the biggest vote taking place in this election year, in India.

Ali and Paul spoke to Jency Jacob, the managing editor of BOOM, a fact checking organisation based in India and also covering Myanmar and Bangladesh.

He explained the difficulties of fact-checking in an election that covers a billion potential voters, and the types of misinformation that voters in India encounter.

Question of the Week
Are you concerned about the oil and gas industry’s influence on the UK Government?
We now have a platform exclusive for Ferret Underground subscribers where you can share ideas about future investigations, answer polls and more!

Create an account here to get access.
Best of the rest
Investigations we've enjoyed from around the world
Ringleader of global monkey torture network, 'The Torture King', is charged
Michael Macartney, 50, who went by the alias "Torture King", was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute the torture videos. (BBC News)
Kinahan Cartel: Wanted narco boss exposes whereabouts by posting Google reviews
A notorious drugs kingpin left a trail of Google reviews providing valuable new insights into his movements and whereabouts over the past five years. (Bellingcat)
Oil giant admits it needs a ‘magic wand’ to keep green pledges
ExxonMobil accused of greenwashing over claims that its ‘carbon capture’ project is reducing emissions. (OpenDemocracy)
Any comments? Have you seen something we could include? Email us at

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